The Last will and Testament of Henrye Voyce. 1552

In dei nome Amen the nynth Daye of Auguste in the yere of or Lorde god 1552.

I Henrye Voyce of horsham make this my last will & testament in manr and forme following.

Fyrst I bequethe my soule to allmightye god and my body to the Erthe and to be buryed wrin the Churche of Horsham aforesaide.

Item I bequethe unto my brother Roger Voyce his executors an assignes all that the moyte of my lease and terme of yers yet to run after my Fathers will p'formed in the p'sonage of Horsham &Warnham and the ferme of Ankestbore.

Item I bequethe unto my brother John Voyce his executores or assignes my moyte of my lease and terme of yers then to runne after my fathers will p'formed of my ferme of mylfolde wtin the forest of Saynt Leonard.

Item I bequethe unto my brother Bryan all that my moyte of my lease and terme of yers yet to runne after my fathers will p'formed in the ferme called Bullands wch I have of Mr Bartlet of Stopham.

Item I will to Jane Raynescroft my mother one whyt bull one quarter of wheat & iii busshells of otes for the wch she was indetted unto me.

Item I gyve unto my syster Elizabeth at the daye of her marage or at suche tyme as she shalbe of thage of xxi yers ffortye shyllings.

Item I will to John a Godsalve & his wyffe xs.

Item I bequethe to Richarde Bysshope & his wyffe xs.

Item to my brother Craye & his wyffe xs.

Item to eny p'son in my cosyn Avery Mychells house at warnham xiid.

Item to John Eqell iiis iiiid.

Item to the poore mens boxe of warnham iis.

And as towching the dysposition of my lands I will to be in manr and forme following.

Ffyrst I gyve and bequethe to Annys my welbeloved wyffe all thes my tenemente caled hygh lands frome the lane goinge towards the forest of the northe p'te and the lands called Bullands on the southe p'te and the forest of Saynt Leonards of thest p'te And the heythe of Horsham on the west p'te and thos my lands called Bullands & ffrahole now or late in the terme of Richarde Jupe all that my lands called pyllings al's woolers medes my lands late called John Nyes my lands called fulling myll land/lands and burgescrofte And my lands called Tythery in the p'ish of Horsham in the Cownttye of Sussex.

To have and to hold all the forsaid lands tenements & herydytaments unto the aforsaid Annys & her assignes duryng her naturall lyffe in full reopence of her hole Imit and dowry. Provided allwayes and I will that yf yt fortune my said wyffe to marye and her husband not to dwell and be resydente hereafter appon my howse st hyghland and my wyffe and her said husbande shall refuse to make unto my said brother Roger a good assurans of all the p'mysses in manr & forme as ys above mencyoned Than I gyve and bequethe unto my said brother Roger xxL in monye to be payed to the said Roger his executors or assignes wtin one monethe next after suche refusall of conveyhance shalbe made.

Item I gyve and bequethe unto my brother John Voyce and his heyrs forer one mede at Roughhe in the p'ish of horsham late Skytte in the terme of John Dugett.

Item the resydew of my goods rattalls moveable & unmoveable my detts & legaces payed and my fueralls p'formed I will and bequethe them to Annes my wellbelovede wyffe whom I ordayne & make to be the sole executrix of this my last will & testament And I ordayne and make my wellbeloved ffrynds John Ede of Warnham and Avery Mychell my ov'seers And I gyve to either of them for ther paynes twentye shyllinges

Wytnes to the premysses Avery Mychell Marian Mychell Jane Ravynscrofte wth others.