The Last will and Testament of James Foyce (Voice) 1639

In the name of God amen.

The two and twenty daye of January Anno dni one thowsand six hundred and eight and Anno of Rex Carols xr xiiii

I James Foyce of Horsham in the countie of Sussex Butcher being sicke in bodie but of good and perfect memorie thankes be given to God therefore do ordayne and make this my last will and testament in maner and forme following

First I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almightie God hopinge for full forgiveness of all my synes by the death and passion of or Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and my bodie to the earth to expect the generall resurrec~on to be interred at the discrec~on of my executrix hereafter named.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Marye the wife Elias Blenns over and above the porcon alreadie made over in marriage to him with her one shillinge of currant English money

Item I give and bequeath to my daughters Susan Elizabeth and Katheryne to either of them five poundes apeece of lawfull money of England to be payd them within one yeare next after my decease

All the rest of my goods Cattell and Chattells whatsoer my debts and funerall expences discharged I give and bequeath to Mary my wife who I make and appoynt sole executreix of this my last will and testament And I desire my loving brothers in law John N------s and Henry Thoyre to be overseers of this my will hopinge they wilbe aydinge and asspiringe to my said executrix in thexecu~con hereof In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the day and yeares fisrt above written

the marke of James Foyce